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When I Came Back From Death
2010-01-17 - 2:41 a.m.


B and J, the day J left. Good subjects. One is the embodiment of restraint and the other wants to give it all away.

I dreamt last night that I was a paranoid schizophrenic, I was seeing creatures everywhere I looked. I curled up in a ball on the ground when they had surrounded me, and K shook me awake. She asked me if I still saw them, and I said yes after seeing another one over my left shoulder. She told me I needed to take my pills, and then they would go away. She was my rock, in the dream, she really loved me.

I woke up and saw Death standing at the edge of my bed. When my eyes adjusted, I realized it was just a hoodie hung on my bedpost, but it had come for me all the same.

I'm glad I'm leaving this place, but I feel like when I say goodbye it might be goodbye for good.

earlier - later