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I am going to be such a cliche failure in the next sixth months, so much so that my parents start charging me rent
2010-04-16 - 1:09 a.m.


I'm approaching this next tour with a bit of trepidation, which I guess is a bad way to approach anything. Maybe I just won't do that. Okay. I won't. So that's that.

It's just that this's legitimate? Maybe it's that the monetary-level is increased, and now I'm responsible for it all. Before I was just pretending to be a tour manager. The guys knew I was just there to set-up a merch stand, get money for shirts and write it all down. Now I'm in charge of contacting club owners, supervising set times, making sure the openers get paid (what?), and making sure we get paid.

My guess is it'll be like me at any new job. Hate it the first couple of days because I am totally oblivious to all procedural norms, and by the end I will just be THE MOST PRO DUDE THAT HAS EVER TOUR-MANAGED.

Last night some annoying friend of my dad asked me when I'm going to get a "real job."

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