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a camera phone cannot do this scene justice
2010-08-15 - 2:58 a.m.

I don't know where this anger comes from. I just read her latest e-mail to me where she just dances over her hangout with her ex-boyfriend--TRA LA LA, LA LA--when she absolutely demolished my hopes of doing the same with my ex three weeks ago, and she's writing like a Brit after only 3 weeks, with the "posh" and the "bit" and the English people I know don't even say that stuff and I just think HOW IMPRESSIONABLE ARE YOU CAN YOU RETAIN A LITTLE BIT OF YOURSELF PLEASE FOR JUST TWO SECONDS.

I think it comes from hiking Mt. Washington today and it being 3 AM. And all of the happy single people. The grass is always greener BUT DON'T STEP ON IT YOU'LL DESTROY THE FLORA. Stay on the trail, you fuck.

earlier - later