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I got a number. How do you like them apples.
2012-08-14 - 2:59 a.m.

I went to a roof party tonight, a Monday night party. I was late and Sam said he'd stay out even though he had to wake up early. I didn't debate before I left, I picked up my bike and carried it down three flights, rode back up to Bed-Stuy, where I'd spent the day looking for a block to live on.

I met a girl on the roof and she was easy to talk to (she was from California, of course she was) and at the end of the night we hugged and we pulled away and my hands were on her small hips and she said she'd invite me to the beach on Thursday.

Tomorrow is the job interview, and maybe decisions don't have to be made right away, but I figured tonight was as good a night as any to start fresh. I got home at 2 and took a shower and changed my sheets. I'll wake up and a lot will still be the same, but I'll feel a little more in control.

There aren't many quiet blocks here, so tonight may be as close as I can get to walking fearlessly on empty streets.

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