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River Roots
2012-08-19 - 12:05 a.m.

So I was watching Tonic play tonight in fucking Iowa, my bandmate is hugging me because I just started crying because my ex-girlfriend's younger sister texted me and said that she missed me and her whole family felt the same and then Tonic starts playing 'If You Could Only See' and it's a song K put on a mix and I've had a few beers and I'm still at the point in my life where it's novel to be drunk and I can't control myself so I start tearing up and it's to fucking 'If You Could Only See' and I don't know any of the words besides the chorus and after they're done Better Than Ezra plays and it's just 90's night in my life and I'm laughing at the singer's ridiculous banter, and I look to my right and there's this girl, this beautiful idiot, and she's talking to some gross dude who's smoking a cigarette and periodically she talks to me, too, and I'm flirting with her like TV and movies taught me, and she eventually gives me her number and now I'm trying to get her to come to my hotel like TV and movies taught me.

She's not coming, but it felt okay to try.

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