good | bad | profile | band | remember-it |diaryland
she isn't bad, she just doesn't make any sense
2012-10-15 - 1:24 a.m.

It felt good when Kach kissed me all those times. In Ben's kitchen, in the stairway of her apartment, or on the dance floor at the wedding last night. It felt like someone wanted me the same way I wanted them.

It felt bad when I realized that I wasn't kissing a person, just a shell who could walk and talk. She never kissed me because she wanted me, she kissed me because she could and because she's missing something in her brain that tells her what's appropriate to do and say. I felt cheated out of my own goddamn feelings.

I left my own bed and slept on the couch. She left at 7:30 AM and I didn't care and I won't be spending time with her anymore.

She glued the 'B' key back on my laptop when I wasn't around and didn't tell me about it.

earlier - later