good | bad | profile | band | remember-it |diaryland
2012-11-15 - 1:35 a.m.

Two 11-year-olds pouted while I tutored them today. So much whining about their work being too hard before they'd even looked at it. Just turning the page was enough to make them shut down, not recognizing the patterns and the challenges.

Things seem to change quickly here, so I won't say anything about things looking up, lest things go to shit after this weekend. We still need to move ASAP, I still need to find more work, and my music is what it is.

I will say that I'm sorry for whining and I'll try and be less trepidatious when turning the page.

It should be noted that I played another solo set tonight and it finally felt good. I played off the cuff and I didn't mess up, I bantered effectively while tuning, and it was a small group of people, but goddamn I didn't hate myself afterwards. I got home and had an e-mail from a producer/musician in Greenpoint, he wants to collaborate and he's not a hack, and I just hope to Dog that this one doesn't fall apart.

earlier - later