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my eyes are permanently bloodshot
2013-08-09 - 1:10 a.m.

Friends asking if I want to be set up with their friends.

My college roommate asked if I would date her friend. She was black, usually dates white guys though. I saw her picture, she was pretty and Jess said she was a nerd, so I said yes. A couple weeks later Jess came back to me and said that her friend would only date men that were taller than her.

A coworker approached me during a lull and asked how old I was. She said she was asking because she wanted to set her friend up and every person she approached was in his thirties despite looking mid-20s and she's very cute and would I be interested in being set up? I smiled and said of course. It took weeks of that coworker not acknowledging me to realize that she'd only asked me about her "friend" to see if I was gay. A bizarre extrapolation, but one I can make with confidence.

My last roommate asked if I liked being set up with friends of friends. I said of course. She couldn't show me any pictures, but we made plans for tonight to go out for drinks in Brooklyn. Plans were cancelled like plans tend to be, but her friend reached out to me on Facebook. I started perusing her pictures and realized that I wasn't really attracted to her. I started feeling scummy for thinking that and had to stop after a few minutes, because this girl could be great and there I was already passing judgement on her.

I walked out of work tonight feeling well-dressed and ready to talk to anyone who made eye contact with me. By the time I'd run through my dragged my contacts list without finding any plans for the evening, I was at home drinking a rum and ginger ale and making myself tired.

earlier - later