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Harvey Milk said to do it, too. Not directly, but it's fine and he's right.
2013-12-02 - 2:18 a.m.

I guess it took roommate Sam spelling it out for me. What to do about girl Sam.

Just fucking lay it all on the line. We're too old for wondering and waiting and flirting around the question.

Let her make the call. If it's a no, then stop wasting my time. I'll get over it eventually.

I think it's just that I like her so much that I'd almost rather live in limbo than know I have no chance. I'd rather just be able to go out with her, look at her and wonder. I don't want to avoid her at work. So maybe just don't? Maybe just be a grown-ass man? Ok. Sounds like a plan. I'll report back.

earlier - later