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nothing about Christmas...really
2003-12-26 - 12:14 a.m.

it does make me feel guilty a little, that i got out of my punishment just because it was Christmas. i didn't apologize for "vandalizing the bed," even though he expected me to say it at some point.

while i'm still standing up for what i believe in, i'm still questioning whether i should lie and say i'm sorry just to make him happy.

wow...on the way home tonight i listened to Limp Bizkit's old CD. i won't lie and pretend i was listening to it "for old time's sake," i enjoy listening to it every once and awhile. i listened to one of the better songs on the CD and just hit my head against the seat cushon because it reminded me of what i've been thinking about, lately. no, it wasn't "break stuff" or "nookie" (but it was somewhere along those lines).

earlier - later