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shame on you...I KNOW GIVE IT A REST
2003-12-28 - 12:26 a.m.


spider-boy. boy waiting for his girlfriend to call and tell him she's not pregnant. boy shot dead at end of American History X.

what do they all have in common? these aren't specific instances...they have no literal meaning...don't freak out)

that's silly. mad at you? never. never ever. don't ever think that. that's almost as bad as me beating myself up over dumb things.

WOW. WOWEEWOWWOWOWOW. i heard you saying i'm sorry. i did. it just hit me. wow. wow. oh wow. i...oh...fuck....

WHAT SHOULD HAVE HAPPENED: I turn around and kiss her goodnight and say "i love you" and turn to my friends and say "see-ya."

WHAT REALLY HAPPENED: you say i'm sorry and i walked away, too self obsessed to hear you. please believe me when i say that i didn't ignore you. everyone was so far away. it's bullshit i know...i know.

WHAT WILL HAPPEN: Tomorrow i will say i'm sorry and tell you everything i have just said. I love you.

[you're going to hate this but] i'm sorry. i love you.

earlier - later