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Tuesday, Wednesday, Break My Heart
2004-01-20 - 10:16 a.m.

I woke up, seemingly well rested. Then I remembered what transpired yesterday, and I became a very tired boy.

I got up, and the first thing I thought of was "Internet...hey, i can go on that now...I don't need a shower." So I did.

It was 6:30 AM, you weren't online (for some reason I was expecting you'd be...for some really delusional reason).

Why did you tell me you cried? Was it to try and tell me you meant no harm? because I never was upset, I smiled. I SMILED when I saw you had added me to your favorites list. Granted I had a panic attack and spent the next fifteen minutes in the shower, but I wasn't angry.

Never angry at you, nope, not in a million.

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