good | bad | profile | band | remember-it |diaryland
i originally wanted to die tomorrow, while under anesthesia, but then how would that sit on the doctor's shoulders...I wouldn't wish that on anyone
2007-01-01 - 7:52 p.m.

So last night was a pretty big shitstorm, right?

I turned to AJ while drunk Alex was doing his critiques of everyone in the room and we agreed that this was simultaneously the best and worst New Years ever. More worse, though.

I'm getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow. There is a miniscule, tiny, tiny, little chance that I may die. In addition, I may die walking to the bathroom in a few minutes. So I'm going to write out a goodbye letter just in case.

If I die tomorrow, or any time soon for that matter, look for the letter inside my backpack.

earlier - later