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saying stuff is dumb. most of the time.
2007-07-29 - 11:07 p.m.

Family is good.

I like it when three generations come together. It's almost a game, matching physical traits between relatives. Brother, sister, grandchildren, grandparents. There are eyes that go around my father's side of the family. The eyelashes are long and thick, even on the boys.

My father and my uncle have the same double chin, not really fat but the same shape. They also have the same skinny, patchy-haired legs, despite the fact that they never stand within 100-miles of each other.

I'm almost 20, but I still eat at the kids' table at family gatherings. I also don't go out with adults for dinner, but I get to babysit their children.

And saying goodbye to my uncle. He hugs me and squeezes me so tight. The most meaningful hug, and I stand on tip-toes and kiss his cheek and hope that he understands that I mean it when I hug him back and that I don't wish I was somewhere else. He is so old.

Also, I'm not sure she understands this: I don't want to hear about her kissing some dude. Or about her new internet friend who she'll take time off of work to go visit, while I'm not worth the loss of hours. And that when she says she hates me, I know she sort-of means it.

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