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i didn't take any pictures of K, so J. Noonz leftovers from the beginning of the month will have to do.
2009-09-06 - 9:56 p.m.


It's disheartening to know she'd rather go home than stay here. Especially when home is just going to be the same old same old to her.

Also, when she tells me that she's not going to move to Boston, that she'd rather move in with her friend in Saratoga. Or her Aunt in NYC. That stings.

And when we're walking and she tells me that I'm a nice guy most of the time, but sometimes I can be 'downright mean.' That hurts for a few seconds but then I kind of accept the pain and let it soak into my skin first and then my muscles and by the time it hits my bones I've realized that it's the truth and that at least I'm a nice guy most of the time.

After a week, she hates it wherever she is.

earlier - later