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you mean everything to nothing
2010-01-16 - 12:32 a.m.

Just an abysmal open mic tonight. I think maybe I just hate playing open mics. That's it. Also, I hate watching terrible saxophone players. I don't think I have ever seen a saxophone player as bad as tonight. Have I ever seen a bad saxophone player? At least one that was older 12-years-old? Do those exist?

I also donated to Haiti. I write this here not because I'm trying to say I did something, but to address the weird feeling inside of me that made me want to donate, the one that didn't really get settled afterwards. I think I just want my money to go to somewhere that needs it. $5 is Taco Bell for a whole family. I hope Taco Bell is donating. I kind of want some Taco Bell.

I'll bring photos back, no more of this nonsense. I just need a day off.

earlier - later