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he barely sleeps
2011-05-08 - 1:49 a.m.


Took a day off, went to see family on Long Island. I'm proud of myself for doing it. I made the decision with confidence, knowing that I didn't want to play third or fifth wheel to K&J again, and that if she's going to take 'alone time' every time we get back from shows, then so am I.

She insulted my friend today. She didn't even try to be polite in telling me that she thought he sucked, she said it to me like I was a disgrace for suggesting that he was actually a really nice guy. That made it clear to me that none of this would work, and that this would be the last time I'd be putting myself this close to her.

I know I've been advised to get in sweet with her, it's a good circle to be in. But she's atrocious, volatile. And I say this being a little bit drunk still, and I know it's not all bad. But it's just unpleasant.

She's right, the friend I mentioned is kind of judgmental and arrogant, but it's like this with anything or anyone. Her opinion is the be-all-end-all, and anyone who differs suffers for it. And that's not to say I can't take some verbal abuse, I just think she's rude and why the fuck should I submit myself to it.

Her boyfriend tried to smooth things over, singing "Everyone's entitled to their own opinion" while we were driving, but he eventually just sang to her "It's too late to apologize..."

To see the little one was such a joy. It's been 5 months, but he hasn't changed too much. Facial expressions are his new trick, and seeing him smile melts my insides, reduces me to giggles. I would say it's baby fever, but I'm not possessed so much to have one of my own, rather to involve myself in this one's life.

I just think about all my uncle did for me, or at least offered to do for me, and I want to be there for this little one.

I start to hope that, unlike other recent additions to the family, he'll turn out okay. But I have this gut feeling, I just know he'll be a joy, I know when I'm a 35 year old shlub living with my mom, I'll play the tough guy and I'll offer to guide him through his teen years, shove $20 bills into his shirt pocket as he's leaving, feed him and complain that he's too skinny.

Plans get complicated when you don't really plan on living past 25 years.

earlier - later