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a year in korea
2011-11-12 - 1:39 a.m.

She signed the contract, she'll leave January 1st or so for South Korea. Three and half years to end up at this dead end.

We don't know if we want to spend the rest of our lives together, so that's reason enough to split for the year. There's nothing wrong with the relationship, we're actually the best we've been, and admittedly she'd rather stay together and tough it out. I won't.

What the fuck would the point be? Waste a year? One that I could use instead to determine if she really was/is 'the one'?

How do you kick something to the curb that you know is still good? That has the potential to continue being good for an indeterminate time period?

There's nothing to rejoice in losing her, I'll miss it all. Her family, her restaurant, her attitude, her voice, her hair, her face.

I feel calm, because I feel rational. She needs to do this because she wants to do this, and I'm making the right decision in letting go.

I think I might hate her for this, in time.

In Freshman year Visual Concepts class we were assigned to make a charcoal drawing of fabric hanging loosely. She came into my room and I spontaneously grabbed a bed sheet, threw it over her and stood her in front of a lamp. I'm the only one that can see her under there.

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