good | bad | profile | band | remember-it |diaryland
the last three nights all melded together.
2012-03-20 - 2:50 a.m.

Tonight we drank margaritas from styrofoam cups in a Williamsburg park. After the first, I knew I was done. Then I had another. I looked at the clock and it was barely 9 PM. The air was so unnatural and warm, people walking their dogs and jogging while we shouted and drank on a bench. S got up and pissed on a tree while people passed by. Not as brave, I pissed on a field house while the coast was clear. Wandered around until we ended up at a terrible hipster bar. Found an almost finished pizza in the trash. I took the first bite. S threw the slice on the ground, I picked it back and finished it.

No filters. Good company. This will be a time in my life to reflect on later. I still think of her a lot, but I'm getting better.

earlier - later