good | bad | profile | band | remember-it |diaryland
going to fly back to new york city 36 hours
2012-05-06 - 1:02 a.m.


I don't know where this 'don't touch me' vibe I give off came from. K felt it when we met, Noons told me she feels it. My father doesn't say it, but he feels it too.

I miss closeness. That's not to say that I'd take anyone, or that I need to be touched. It's just sad that I make people feel this way. At least I recognize it.

You know what, fuck it. I do need to be touched. People need to be touched. I just mean hugs, real deep hugs. Arms around shoulders. Pressing your face to someone else's.

I've reached my threshold. I haven't interacted with anyone below the age of 40 in two weeks.

Southwest Florida is not a place for youth.

earlier - later