good | bad | profile | band | remember-it |diaryland
2013-05-07 - 2:56 a.m.

You will have more fun with music.

You will stop thinking about recording this year. It will give you time to save money for proper equipment and studio time, to learn Logic, to demo, to re-demo, to write lyrics that aren't rushed.

You will book more shows. Some of them will be on weeknights and to no one.

You will branch out to more venues.

You will meet new musicians and peak their curiosity, and eventually someone who meets your criteria will want to play drums for you.

You will invite everyone to every show and let them decide if they want to come or not.

You will not worry about exhausting your fan base because you don't have a fan base. You have friends, and they will be all you have for a while. They will bring their friends at some point, and if they like it they'll listen to it and tell others and you might develop a fan base.

You will have 100 people come to a show by January 2014. You will not listen to yourself and believe this is unattainable. You will not listen to outsiders who say you're not thinking big enough.

You will continue to give your music away for free.

You will never pay to play.

You will blow off your full-time job for music and not care about it. It is nothing but fuel for your tank and has nothing to do with the trip you're taking.

You will have confidence. Your realism is an excuse and you will argue with or ignore detractors.

You will shut up.

You will stop looking back.

You will not stop shaping this into what you want it to be.

You may never finish, but you will not stop.

earlier - later