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i think i hate new music
2014-11-07 - 1:27 a.m.

Been trying to stay out of the apartment as much as possible.

There's nowhere for me to cook or be here. Their boxes are everywhere, the kitchen is unusable. I know they're probably just waiting until the weekend when they'll have time to unpack, but it sucks. I still have a shred of rationality that allows me to realize they're not here to make me miserable, they're just here and it's something I have to deal with.

The dog is probably the best part of this whole thing. It's so messed up that they leave her alone here in the apartment for the entire day. She's a big dog, it seems cruel.

I was told she was a guide dog, but she definitely doesn't know the "Hurry" command, as evidenced when I brought her into Matt's room and tried to get her to pee on his carpet.

I don't want to say I'm scared, but I am very nervous about being homeless on Dec 1. I mean, it'd be real hard for that to actually happen. But I don't want to settle, I want to be able to pick where I want to live.

Telling anyone the story of this move perplexes them. Why did you agree to move out? is the most common question, and the only response I have is that I'd rather venture into the unknown than live with someone who actively resented me. It'll be better for everyone in the long run.

Rebecca fucked me over, hard. Offered me a spectacular deal in Greenpoint. I made plans to spend time there Friday night to see how allergic I was to her cat, but by the end of the day she had given the room to someone else. Claimed they wanted to fill the room ASAP...despite the room not being available until January.

Didn't expect that kind of cutthroat douchebaggery from someone I thought of as a close friend. I can't even make eye contact with her at work, I just get so angry. Of all the times she's flaked on me, the manipulative pouting and arm twisting, I could just write it off as annoying. Dangling the idea of a safe living space in front of me and then yanking it...I don't even know what to think about her now.

LA in two days. Not even close to being prepared for the studio.

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