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goodnight sandy
2012-10-31 - 2:51 a.m.

Afterwards it seemed like there had been some barrier between us and the storm the whole time.

I wanted to run in a hurricane. I convinced the boys to come with me on Monday morning. It wasn't as funny or exciting as I wanted it to be. It seemed like we were out on a rainy day.

We spent the rest of the day inside, it was a joke to us. Sam and Joe had gathered 'provisions' on Sunday, which just ended up being a handle of Evan Williams, a pack of Milanos, and some potatoes.

We heard the wind, watched the trees shake while Netflix, pictures of the drowned subways and a blacked out Manhattan came through our somewhat stable internet connection and power.

Just out of morbid curiosity, we might have wanted it to be worse than it was. A desire to see things shaken up. And then It felt wrong to be so unaffected, to know that a few miles away streets were underwater due to the worst storm in New York's history.

We managed to avoid cabin fever today by ejecting ourselves out of the apartment. Couldn't stay here with the fucking subletter. He's one of the nicest and most annoying people I've ever dealt with. You know exactly the type of person.

Lots of concern from friends and family. At midnight tonight K reached out. It might have been similar to after the Virginia Tech shootings, when I asked her to bury the hatchet. I told her then that life was too short and unpredictable to spend disregarding people looking to her for forgiveness. Tonight, she offered and asked for nothing.

She asked if I was okay. I told her the apartment was fine and thank you. She said she was glad I responded and I told her I wouldn't ignore her. We made small talk for a minute, but she stopped responding when I asked how she was. Feels bad. Probably better in the long run.

Last night I was looking for a way to speak to her again. She found it for me, but just to show me how far apart we are.

earlier - later