good | bad | profile | band | remember-it |diaryland
2012-12-04 - 3:02 a.m.

A picture slipped through the cracks today. A friend who also went to South Korea, also to Gwangju. K and the new Englishman, walking down a pier. Zoom in a that? Are they? At that angle maybe both of their arms are swinging forward at the same time so it looks like the hands are


She's heeding my words. She is going out of her way to hide this and I'm thankful and I'm insulted and I'm a little sad.

I started my workout right after and I stared straight ahead and powered through it with no breaks. I thought in my head 'I never want to speak to you again unless it's an emergency,' and I felt confident in it.

The day might have been lost until that Mirah song came on. It was enough make me move a bit, to sing softly and dance alone in my apartment as I got ready. Enough to make me smile on the G while it played in my head.

It was a 60-degree spring day in December.

earlier - later